API Days Nordic | Tampere | 18.-19.5.2016 API Days Nordic

AWS Serverless Workshop – Mikael Puittinen

16 March 2016 – Posted by Jarkko Moilanen

The workshop introduces the audience to

  1. AWS services such as API Gateway, Lambda functions that enable developers to develop services to the cloud without deploying any servers.
  2. the serverless framework that streamlines the process of developing and deploying API Gateway / Lambda based solutions

The workshop consists of a short theory introduction and of a step-by-step tutorial how to build a simple blog backend using API Gateway, Lambda and serverless.

Mikael Puittinen, SC5 Online Ltd

A business technology professional with over 15 years of experience in helping enterprises gain a competitive edge with innovative IT solutions. Passionate about cloud services, APIs and data science. Currently Chief Technology Officer at SC5 Online Oy.